I went home recently to visit my dad who was ill. This was unplanned and an emergency visit.
He stayed in the hospital for 5 days and when he was recovering, I got the chance to go take a look again at the special kids’ indoor play area ( mini-therapy area ) that is being built for our special needs children at the Romblon East Central School, Romblon, Philippines.
If you have been following this project, we started to plan for this way back in 2017 when I started to set up a Go fund me page on my birthday in October.
In December 2017, two months after donors started coming in, we initiated the project.
Please read here how we started it!
It all began from this vacant lot at the back of the special kids’ resource room.
Related Post: Indoor Play Area-Where Kids Will Romp and Laugh
Local Fundraising Projects
Our main fundraising tool, the GO FUND ME page, has paved the way to start the project. It is still running if you want to help our endeavour. Click here to DONATE!
We did two local fundraisings, as well, for this project with the purpose of soliciting financial help and also to raise awareness in the community, including the school, the parents and teachers that our special needs kids need our love and support.
The first fundraising was a bingo social done on January 2018. I personally witnessed how working together with the school and the Special Education teachers and special needs parents brought success to this worthwhile activity.
We raised a substantial amount which helped continue our project to finish the flooring area and build some structures like the stairs and the sensory path.
The second fundraising effort was done on December 2018, which we called ” The Christmas Story, ” a showcase of talents of the special kids. it was very heartwarming to see these kids perform their singing and dancing skills despite their developmental disabilities.
Related post: The Christmas Show-our Special Kids in Action!
Progress of the Mini-Therapy Area
From the start of the project in December 2017 up to this month, a lot of exciting progress has happened.
This was not a continuous progress though because it depended on a lot of things.
Of course, finances was our main consideration because although we had set up a Go Fund Me page, it only raised good money initially, then trickled thereafter.
We would like to THANK all donors, of course because YOU initiated and inspired us to go on until now!
There were months that the project got stalled, either because our finances were drained or the SPED teachers were so busy with other stuff in school from their daily tasks of teaching, to seminars, to school or division – wide activities.
Nevertheless, progress was so inspiring.
These pictures will tell the story of our accomplishments!

As of December 2018, the structures to hold the roof were in place. At this point, we were so happy that our project was really taking shape.
See our big smiles? We were beaming with pride and joy for this accomplishment.
It’s been a year since we started and we were standing on the solid floor and soon- to-be finished roof.
All because of the big support of our donors.
Really thankful!
Roofing and finishing the walls were completed in February 2019.
Look at these photos. They will speak for themselves how working on the project slowly evolved.
All because of donors like YOU!
Our Indoor Play Area is now Painted!
Here comes the latest progress.
At my last visit on January 15, 2020, I came with my cousin who is also a big donor for this project. She noticed that it was so hot even though there was a roof already. Only then did I realize when she pointed to us that we needed a ceiling to dissipate the humidity inside the play area.
Thus, this is our next big goal- to put up the ceiling. Some carpenters have started this as I write this post.
Thanks to two monthly donors who continuously give their support because when we need to restart the project we have the money.
God has been so instrumental in opening up the hearts of these two gracious persons.
Please consider on still continuing to donate through our GO FUND ME page here. We still need a considerable amount for this.
Meanwhile, see how our mini-therapy area now looks! Isn’t it so fresh and inviting?
The painted walls are so bright and colourful. It added warmth and lots of personality to our small space.
The Special Kids Now Enjoy their Mini-Therapy Area!
On January 23, 2020, our special needs kids used our mini-therapy area for the very first time!
The three SPED teachers- Bing, Law and Nots combined their first session students where they set up their projector and let the students watch a film. Afterwards, they did some ball games and zumba, while others tried the monkey bars.
See the joy in the students and the teachers!
Incidentally, last Jan 23, 2020 Pangga my sister with Down Syndrome whom this website is dedicated should have celebrated her 52nd birthday.
I’m sure up there she is smiling with the special kids and maybe clapping in delight with them.
Next Plans
The teachers are in the process of asking help from the municipal government to buy 2 play equipment.
They also plan to put some minor educational and playful tools in the walls and on the floor, aside from the now coloured wheels.
In the next few months, hopefully we will finish the ceiling and put rubber mats on the floor to prevent accidents like falls and to make playtime more comfortable and safe.
The sensory path as well will be finished.
Your Help is More than Appreciated
Our vision of providing fun and helping our special kids maximize their social and motor skills with the indoor play area are now into fruition, all because you decided to give your financial support to make this happen.
To all our donors and benefactors, we honour you for your unwavering help.
We still have major things to accomplish, thus donations are still welcome.
God bless all of us.
As always I say when you give, it will come back to you a hundredfold or more.
Our special kids are so thankful to all of you!
The special kids’ indoor play area is definitely taking shape and will soon be in full use.
Me and Hailey are excited.
As I was reading this article I can’t help but be excited as I look forward to bringing Hailey to school.She will be turning 5 next year and I know her eyes will turn big with delight as she will see the colorful play area.
Definitely Hailey will have a great time in school.
Hi Emerald,
I’m also excited for Hailey’s start of school soon.
Yes, she will enjoy playing in the mini-therapy area, as much as the other special kids.
Thanks for reading,
Just goes to show how generosity – big or small can go a long way in making this happen. I’m proud of how you, the teachers and other supporters dedicate your time and effort and offer financial help to see this project materialize.
Congrats and God bless!
❤ Odette
Hi Odette,
This is a collaborative effort of the SPED teachers, Pangga ta Ikaw and all the donors!
And you are one of them.
Big thanks!
This is absolutely amazing!
Your empathy and determination indeed brighten the faces of those children.
What a great vision to bring joy to the life of the less privileged and the needy.
Your indoor play area is so wonderful and I am convinced that it is only the beginning and there will be more greater achievements to come.
Happy and thankful to hear your nice words. They inspire me to do better.
God bless,
Thanks for the update on the special kids’ indoor play area and it is good to know that it is now painted. You have made tremendous progress to turn a problem into a solution. I like that so many people have seen fit to contribute and due to their generosity, this has become a reality.
It really looks nice and is functional as well. The rains come often in the Philippines, and having a covered area where they can still get out yet be in an indoor-like environment means that it can be used year-round. How much was the total cost for everything?
I am sure there are other areas that could use some improvement, so hopefully, there will be more generous people that are willing to help, whether with labor, materials, or actual money. I commend you all for your efforts and congratulations on making a positive difference for some very special kids!
Hi Dave,
We started from nothing and several generous hearts came forward to help, mostly through financial support.
We’re more than halfway with building but I have not calculated the total cost. What matters is lots of people supported it and the special kids will be happy to play inside.
Yes, it always rains in the Philippines, more often stormy as well, so this indoor play area is really comfortable and safe.
This is a heartwarming post Marita.
You and your team are doing a great job with building the indoor play area for special needs kids. The newly painted play area looks great and I can see just how much hard work was involved for all of you right from finding donors, arranging the funding events with the Christmas and Bingo programs and with actually guiding the construction of the play area.
My best wishes to you and your team :))
Thanks for the nice words.
Hard work definitely pays off.
God bless,
Wow. You did a wonderful job.
I am very glad that there are people who try to work so hard and think about children.
I want to congratulate you and tell you that this playground is wonderful and I would take my child every day here if I am from there.
The pictures say everything about you and I want to tell you that in my country the playgrounds are destroyed and we really wish we had something like that.
You are a great inspiration.
God bless you!
Anything is possible, if you really want to help and make kids happy, especially the special needs children.
Play is a really important part of growth of a child, thus a play area is vital in the schools.
Thanks for the uplifting words,
God bless,
What a wonderful project! Just look at those beaming faces! It’s amazing how little you had to start with and how far it has come – and all with donations and volunteer help. I can’t wait to see what it will look like in another year. I’ll just love to see more toys and equipment but I am wondering what a “sensory path” is? All the best for all of you working on such a beneficial project.
We are also excited of what it will become in a year’s time, but we’re hoping that before the year ends, we will be able to finish everything, including the equipment and those other educational and motivational tools for the special kids.
A sensory path provides sensory input to kids with autism or sensory processing disorder. Any kid actually can use it to self-regulate and help them focus on tasks in school. It could be inside the school in the hallway and kids can take turns in finishing the path and afterwards they are usually ready to go back to their classes and can concentrate more on their specific tasks.
For our mini-therapy area, it will be part of the play area, and although short, we hope to offer the kids the sensory input that they need to help them enjoy and focus.
Thanks for reading!
I love the empathy and compassion you have in the tone of your post. I am sure the kids can feel that too as they come to the indoor play area. It does not take something complicated to make someone happy and feel loved. The bright colors show the warmth of the room.
Hi Carolyn,
We are building this indoor play area for our special kids and only for them.
Before their classes start or after it ends or during recess, we surely can foresee that this play area will enhance their gross and fine motor skills as well as their social skills.
I really want to appreciate your effort in putting this great website together and writing this article.
After looking at the pictures and going through the progress of your project, all I could say is, your indoor play area is wonderful and amazing.
So much effort has been put into making this successful endeavour.
Great post!
Thanks for your nice comments.
We really planned well and thought about the benefits of our project, the indoor play area for our children with special needs.
God bless,