We just did the Christmas show, starring the special kids at the Romblon East Central School.
This was not a regular program; it was a fundraising event to raise money so we can complete the mini-therapy area that we started a year ago.
And it was a big success!
Click here to read how we started the project for our children with special needs.
I know, you will ask, how is it possible to put up a show and train children with special needs to perform on stage? It was really a challenge for the teachers, but they did it!
And to think that they only practiced for 2 weeks!
There were challenges along the way, like asking permission from the school head to do the show, to looking for a venue, to conceptualizing the format of the show, etc.
Plans were put in place only 2 weeks before the event, which coincided with the last day of classes before the Christmas break and the day of the Christmas party.
We were tempted to put it on hold for later, but then finally decided to push through because our project still needed lots of funds to be completed.
This also coincided with my visit to my parents in our hometown, so this is really the best time to push this, because it’s always good to work with the teachers personally.
We actually had another fruitful fundraising only in January of this year, and I was also visiting then. It is mentioned close to the end of the above post if you click the link.
These activities made my vacation busier, but more productive and fulfilling. I am so thankful that I have family and friends who are so supportive of this project and helped me to make our plans easier to accomplish.
Of course, with the big push of the 3 very responsible SPED teachers, how could this event be not a big success?
Talents in singing and dancing
Children who had talents in singing were tapped to do solo and duets ( one of them with a parent ) and surely, they were a hit!
By the way, kids who started with the Special Education program, but moved up to the regular classrooms, were also invited to perform.
It is amazing to watch these kids show off their talents and see their confidence in doing their thing. All because they were started early on with special education and were guided and supported to be the best that they are now.
Fashion Modelling
Another amazing number in the program was letting the children with special needs show off their party attire by walking the ramp or modelling.
Most were happy to oblige and confident to walk, but some needed their teacher’s “push ” to walk on the stage. It was so heartwarming to see them do this.
You couldn’t imagine that these kids have developmental disability or physical deformities to start with.
Look how they did their thing!
The Nativity
The highlight of the show was the pantomime of the birth of Jesus.
You could feel the pride of the kids doing their part in the drama. There was Joseph and Mary knocking on the doors looking for the place to give birth to our Saviour.
Later on, with the baby Jesus in their midst, the three kings paid homage, as well as the shepherds with their sheep.
As the play progressed, you would notice the teachers popping in and out of the stage to guide the kids, some of whom seemed not to know where to place themselves or what to do while in the stage.
As an audience who is familiar with the Christmas story, and guided by the kids’ costumes, you will just realize what their parts are and what they need to do.
Such patience and efforts from the teachers!
Those are our Special Education teachers, dedicated to their pupils with special needs.
Did you see the 2 teachers going in and out of the stage to place the kids where they should be?
The final part of the show, was the chorus of all the participants and the teachers, who sang the Christmas song popularized by the artists in the local television channel.
Again, you could feel the Christmas spirit in the air and the excitement that the holiday brings.
For the parents, I saw in their faces that they were so elated of the accomplishments of their children.
And of course teachers Bing, Law, and Nots, I know deep inside they were so thankful that the program was a big hit and their efforts were not wasted.
Kudos to all three of you, I’m so proud of what you have accomplished!
Next time, we have to put up the show in a bigger venue.
A big thanks to our teachers and parents for putting up this beautiful Christmas show !
Silent Auction and Door Prizes
To give more excitement to audience participation, Pangga ta Ikaw donors and friends prepared gift items as prizes for this.
Tickets were sold at the entrance and the venue.
This was really a big hit. People anticipated that their ticket numbers will be called for each gift item.

It didn’t matter if the gifts were big or small, everyone were excited that their numbers will be picked.
These prizes were donated by members and supporters of Pangga ta Ikaw. These gift items were regular daily needs of everyone.
Congratulations to all the winners! Here are some of them with their big smiles.
Some did not only win once but twice or even three times. It was their lucky day indeed!
Generous donors
Days before the Christmas presentation, the SPED teachers and the regular teachers with the help of the parents of the special kids distributed solicitation letters to potential donors with the aim of collecting funds to complete the mini-therapy area.
Included was this awesome invitation to the Christmas show.
There was overwhelming support in response to the letters. The school community and the whole townsfolk felt our need and responded favorably to our appeal.
BIG THANKS to all the donors and supporters!
For sure and we hope that with your big help, our project, the mini-therapy area will be finished soon!
The project
Here’s a glimpse of how our mini-therapy area looks now.

We think it’s almost done, but it still needs a great amount of money.
Nevertheless, I believe, we’re almost there and again, my heart bursts with joy with all your help.
Watch out for the next article about the progress of this project.
We still accept donations to finish the project and for purchase of future equipment. Please give your donations in cash or in kind to any one of our three teachers or you can visit our Go fund Me page.

Big Thank You
Again, much appreciation to everyone who have given their financial support and to the future donors.
The Christmas show held on December 15, 2018, at the Romblon East Central School – SPED Romblon, Romblon Philippines was indeed a great success, of course with lots of support from the teachers and the principal, Mr. Joseph Menorca and the donors from the community.
GOD will always give back a lot more for your generosity.
Hi Marita,
An article that is very exciting. The Christmas Event at the Romblon East Central School in Philippines mentioned in the article is a force that gives these special children an intellectual level of courage, letting them know that the people who are with them are a process of learning and growing. Whether it is the costumes or singing performances of special children or the careful teaching of the teachers, it shows that the contribution of the activities will bring the teacher and these children closer together, and the relationship will be more friendly. I like also to help others, but I’m still an university student, can’t donate to this Mini-therapy area for the time being, but hope that I can participate in the donation one day in the future.
Thank you again for sharing this article.
From the preparations to the performances, it was a strong connection among the teachers, students and parents. And a realization that special kids can do things just like regular kids, with proper guidance and intervention.
Thanks for the nice comments and desire to help in the future.
God bless,
What an amazing looking program! It was lovely to see the kids smiling for the camera. This is a very worthy cause and lovely to read heartwarming stories of successful charity events.
I have a cousin with special needs here in the US and it was similar programs who helped her become as independent as she can be. Looking forward to seeing more success!
Thanks for the nice comments!
Truly our kids with special needs appreciate our ongoing support.
God bless,
Honestly your labour of love towards children with special needs is highly commendable, things like this are easily overlooked in the society. I believe more and more people should come out and support this very cause.Sorry about the stress that comes with this type of commitment. I hope people will also come out to make bountiful donations towards this because givers never lack.
Hi Clement,
Your comments warm my heart.
We may have experienced some stress in its preparation, but the success of the show and our fundraising erased all our negative vibes.
True, we still need more donors, I hope they come.
This was a great article or better off a great story. You are a great person with an obvious great passion. Special needs kids are so special in more ways then just special because of their needs.My niece(god child) is special needs and has been her entire life which is 25 years now. She is by far the most important part of my world. She has taught me so much. She has showed me more than her two sisters who have no special needs.You are working on a great cause here and i hope you get tins of traffic and tons of support for your project.Dale
Hi Dale,
You are lucky to have experienced the presence of your niece in your life-they are God sent and bring our families pure joy and unconditional love.
Thanks for your good wishes.
DrThis very great and wonderful of you people .it is not easy to take care or even physically challenge kids but you guys have devoted your time and money to so that alone is an achievement that goes along way the only thing can say is be blessed in all you do fo
Thanks for your awesome comments and good wishes.
God bless,
Thank you for sharing with us ¨The Christmas Show. Our special kids in action!¨. I think is commendable what SPED teachers (Bing, Law, and Nots), the parents and the school are doing in the Philippines, particularly for the Christmas holidays.But let me tell you an anecdote that happened here in the US.. During the first week of school at Shadow Forest Elementary, a frail kindergartner named Roanin Walker had a meltdown at recess. Overwhelmed by the shrieking and giggling, he hid by the swings and then tried to escape the playground, hitting a classmate and biting a teacher before being restrained. The principal called Roanin’s mother.”There’s been an incident.”Heidi Walker was frightened, but as she hurried to the Humble school that day in 2014, she felt strangely relieved.She had warned school administrators months earlier that her 5-year-old had been diagnosed with a disability similar to autism. Now they would understand, she thought. Surely they would give him the therapy and counseling he needed.Walker knew the law was on her side. Since 1975, Congress has required public schools in the United States to provide specialized education services to all eligible children with any type of disability. Not all states abide by this law.
Hi Enrique,
Thanks for sharing that anecdote about Roanin having meltdown and how he was helped.
Nowadays, I know he need not be restrained, but just supported calmly and be put in a quiet place. Usually in schools and daycare, they have calming chairs, weighted blankets or other stuff that they can offer the kids to calm down.
Like his mom, I’m also happy that special kids in the Philippines are given the chance to have education and support that they need.
Thanks for reading.
This post has touched me deeply while I was reading through, those children really need all the love and care the world can ever give and it’s never too much, those kids really put up quite a show to raise fund and that gave me joy, although i don’t really have much but when I get my paycheck I will be making donations no matter how small.
Hi Seun,
I’m so happy that my post has touched you and are willing to give some support. Donors like you are forever appreciated for making our project possible.
God bless,
Marita, thanks for sharing about your gorgeous students and their wonderful Christmas show. I’m sure they loved being a part of it and will cherish their experiences for a long time. I’m sure the teachers had a great time too, even though it sounds like there were many things to organise in order to make it a success 🙂
I have no doubt your mini therapy area will be finished soon and will provide an amazing space for kids and teachers. Keep up the amazing work Marita!
Hi Melissa,
The kids enjoyed doing the show and the teachers were so proud of what they have accomplished, as well as the parents.
Thanks for your good wishes and nice comments.
It sounds like the Christmas Show the kids put on went off with lots of success and the kids really enjoyed themselves…From the images of the event, it is readily apparent how much they were having a good time. You and all are to be commended for putting this together…
I like how you tied in the request for support in a non-pushy manner, and based on what you and others supporting the school and kids are doing, this is certainly a worthy cause that no one can argue needs to happen for those kids. It takes someone special to be there for the kids…
Therefore I have shared this post with others within my circle so they too can read this delightful story and consider also donating to furthering your causes and support for the kids. Thanks for all you and others are doing, and know it is appreciated by many. We need more people like you in this world!
Hi Dave,
Your nice comments put a smile to my face and my heart swells with pride.
Everyone had a good time, the kids, teachers, parents and donors. All for the completion of our project- the mini-therapy area.
Thanks for sharing my post.
God bless,
Awesome that people realize that the special needs children have feelings and need encouragement the same as any child. When your community came together and showed this kind of support makes people understand that God is still alive and doing all the things we are asking for but in his own time, he is a giving busy God taking care of all of us. You are an important part of these children’s lives and the world needs more like you. Thank you so much for sharing,
Hi Susan,
Our God is an awesome God, He makes all things possible if we just follow His will.
Nice to know that you feel the same as us, that our special kids are just like us who have feelings and needs our unconditional love and support.
God bless,
Wow. I love it when programs like this are done for children and it makes me happy. More of these should be organized as it helps in the children’s growth and their ability to socialize with themselves. They are the leaders of tomorrow so we should by any means make them prepared for the leadership.
Yes, this is more special because we offer this project for the kids with special needs.
Thanks for reading.
What a great cause!
Unfortunately, a lot of people overlook the talents of those who are “different” and many don’t have the patience to teach them what they need to know. But from my experience, it’s so rewarding to see that these are kids are able to participate in some way, just to feel special and loves. They’re just like any other kids.
From your pictures, it looks like everybody had a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing and though I was not able to contribute this time, I will definitely contribute in the future.
Hi Reyhana,
Right, they are also gifted like the regular kids. And they can be trained as well.
Everybody had a lot of fun.
Thanks for your pledge of support.
I loved reading your post and am so inspired to see how you are encouraging and facilitating the optimal development and support for children with special needs. My son attends a school which also shares a program with the deaf and children with special needs and it is supremely remarkable what I have witnessed in what can be accomplished when given the appropriate love and support that best enhances their capabilities rather than focussing on their short comings. You are to be commended for such a valuable and impactful pursuit. Thank you for sharing this wonderful, insightful and inspiring post!! Keep up the great work!
Hi Bex,
Children with special needs really need unconditional love, acceptance and support.
With completion of their mini-therapy area, these kids in our town will optimize their social and motor skills which will bring them more freedom to express how they feel.
Thanks for the nice comments and well wishes.